Use Cases By Industry
All industries
Credit Card Processing
Modern Data Warehousing
Data Aggregation & Curation Pipelines
Credit Card Fraudulent Transactions
Machine Learning in Energy
Energy companies are using machine learning to increase top and bottom line through gaining competitive advantages, reducing expenses, and improving efficiencies. They are optimizing all areas of their business from inventory management to marketing, in order to make data-driven decisions that lead to increased profitability.
Modern Data Warehousing
Data Aggregation & Curation Pipelines
Finding New Oil and Gas Sources
Direct Marketing
Machine Learning in Fintech
FinTech companies are using machine learning to increase top and bottom line through gaining competitive advantages, reducing expenses, and improving efficiencies. They are optimizing all areas of their business from risk analysis and portfolio optimization to marketing, in order to make data-driven decisions that lead to increased profitability.
Modern Data Warehousing
Data Aggregation & Curation Pipelines
Digital Wealth Management
Credit Card Fraudulent Transactions
Direct Marketing
Credit Default Rates
Machine Learning in Healthcare
Healthcare companies are using machine learning to increase top and bottom line through gaining competitive advantages, reducing expenses, and improving efficiencies. They are optimizing all areas of their business from readmission risk and occupancy rates to marketing, in order to make data-driven decisions that lead to increased profitability.
Modern Data Warehousing
Data Aggregation & Curation Pipelines
Drug Delivery Optimization
Disease Propensity
Modeling ICU Occupancy
Estimating Sepsis Risk
Hospital Readmission Risk
Direct Marketing
Machine learning in insurance
Insurance companies are using machine learning to increase top and bottom line through gaining competitive advantages, reducing expenses, and improving efficiencies. They are optimizing all areas of their business from underwriting to marketing in order to make data-driven decisions to lead to increased profitability.
Modern Data Warehousing
Data Aggregation & Curation Pipelines
Life Insurance Underwriting for Impaired Life Customers
Insurance Pricing
Fraudulent Claim Modeling
Direct Marketing
Conversion Modeling
Claim Payment Automation Modeling
Claim Development Modeling
Machine Learning in Marketing
Marketing departments and organizations are using machine learning to determine the effectiveness of their marketing activities and operations, accurately target customers, move them further down the funnel toward purchase, and improve customer relationships. Machine learning allows marketers in every industry to accurately determine and improve ROI, resulting in tangible bottom-line value.
Modern Data Warehousing
Data Aggregation & Curation Pipelines
Google AdWords Bidding
Product Personalization
Finding Duplicate Customer Records in Your Database
Loyalty Program Usage
Next Best Offer
Multichannel Marketing Attribution
Customer Churn
Next Best Action
Direct Marketing
Public Sector
Power your mission
Across the government, leaders are challenged every day to balance the public’s need for services with the directive to do more with less. Success at every agency hinges on the ability to deliver insights from data quickly. Providing services in this environment requires fast and accurate predictions.
Modern Data Warehousing
Data Aggregation & Curation Pipelines
Fraud detection
Insider threat
Data Warehousing & Machine Learning in the Shipping Industry
As the International Maritime Organization continues to apply more stringent regulation on energy efficiency to support the demand for ever greener and cleaner shipping, ship owners and ship management companies urgently need to deploy IoT devices, a modern platform for capturing, storing and organizing their data, then layer Analytics and Automated Machine Learning to enable high-value predictions in guiding better decisions and smarter actions in near real time and without human intervention.
Modern Data Warehousing
Data Aggregation & Curation Pipelines
Generating new revenues from data in the telecoms industry.
As traditional revenues continue to fall, telecoms enterprises are looking to leverage data. Anonymized information from mobile devices provide insights into how people use the mobile web, which sites they visit, what they buy and where they go; valuable information that is marketable to retailers, property specialists, the transport and travel industries and the public sector. Underpinning existing systems with a modern data centric platform for capturing, curating, storing and organizing their data, then layering Analytics and Automated Machine Learning will enable high-value predictions in guiding better decisions and smarter actions in near real time and build value without human intervention.
Modern Data Warehousing
Data Aggregation & Curation Pipelines
Product Personalization
Next Best Offer
Customer Churn
Next Best Action
Machine Learning in Banking
Banks are using machine learning to increase top and bottom line through gaining competitive advantages, reducing expenses, and improving efficiencies. They are optimizing all areas of their business from risk analysis and fraud detection to marketing, in order to make data-driven decisions that lead to increased profitability.
Machine Learning in Energy
Energy companies are using machine learning to increase top and bottom line through gaining competitive advantages, reducing expenses, and improving efficiencies. They are optimizing all areas of their business from inventory management to marketing, in order to make data-driven decisions that lead to increased profitability.
Machine Learning in Fintech
FinTech companies are using machine learning to increase top and bottom line through gaining competitive advantages, reducing expenses, and improving efficiencies. They are optimizing all areas of their business from risk analysis and portfolio optimization to marketing, in order to make data-driven decisions that lead to increased profitability.
Machine Learning in Healthcare
Healthcare companies are using machine learning to increase top and bottom line through gaining competitive advantages, reducing expenses, and improving efficiencies. They are optimizing all areas of their business from readmission risk and occupancy rates to marketing, in order to make data-driven decisions that lead to increased profitability.
Machine learning in insurance
Insurance companies are using machine learning to increase top and bottom line through gaining competitive advantages, reducing expenses, and improving efficiencies. They are optimizing all areas of their business from underwriting to marketing in order to make data-driven decisions to lead to increased profitability.
Machine Learning in Marketing
Marketing departments and organizations are using machine learning to determine the effectiveness of their marketing activities and operations, accurately target customers, move them further down the funnel toward purchase, and improve customer relationships. Machine learning allows marketers in every industry to accurately determine and improve ROI, resulting in tangible bottom-line value.
Syncrasy’s Transformational Technologies
Syncrasy’s Platforms integrate preselected best-of-breed open technologies that are vetted, tested and pre-engineered to provide the foundation and solution building applications needed to build early wins, explore opportunities and generate a “Flywheel Effect” that powers enterprise wide digital transformation.