IoT in Industry

IoT solutions will impacts all aspects of our life

Explore Syncrasy’s Acceleration Framework


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The mega shifts in technology driving digitization, virtualization, mobilization, personalization, anticipation, augmentation and more, are changing the way customers think and how businesses need to change the way products and services are delivered.

Syncrasy’s Data Discovery Platform provides the foundation and solution building applications needed to keep pace with, and get ahead of the accelerating rate of business, social and economic transformational change.

Explore with us how Syncrasy technologies can help support your transformational change journey.

Designed for Agility, Performance & Scalability

Syncrasy’s Acceleration Core abstracts away the complications of building modern, data centric digital products and services, allowing enterprises of all sizes and sectors to affordably compete in this hyper-connected world.

Underpinning Syncrasy’s pre-engineered Software Feature Sets and Application Development Tools, Syncrasy’s partners with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide an Acceleration Core that is fault-tolerant, distributed and extensible by design, with modern, highly-available and load balanced resource scheduling and processing that is elastically scalable both at the application and compute resource deployment level.

AWS EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) - Secure and resizable compute capacity for virtually any workload

EC2 provides scalable virtual servers (instances) for running containers, databases, and application servers, forming the core compute layer in a cloud architecture with instance types, based on CPU, memory, storage, and networking requirements, being scalable to meet application demands.

Syncrasy’s Cloud Resources include a Kubernetes orchestration Framework with full-stack automated operations ensuring consistent operations, workload management, and enterprise-grade security from edge-2-cloud.

AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service)

AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service) manages and orchestrates Kubernetes clusters, helping to more efficiently deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications.

Deeply integrated with the AWS environment, ECS provides an easy-to-use solution for running container workloads in the cloud with advanced security features.

Syncrasy deployed cloud-native applications are self-healing with auto-placement, auto-restart, auto-replication and auto-scaling capabilities, ensuring enterprises can:

  • Deploy applications quickly and predictably.
  • Scale applications on the fly.
  • Seamlessly roll out new features.
  • Optimize use of hardware by using only the resources needed.

Underpinning Syncrasy’s PostgreSQL based Multi-tenant, multi-lingual applications, AWS Aurora Serverless v2 offers a highly scalable and serverless database solution that automatically adjusts capacity to match application demand. This ensures optimal performance and cost-efficiency, allowing businesses to focus on innovation without worrying about database management.

Aurora Serverless v2 automatically adjusts capacity based on application demand, eliminating the need to manage database instances manually.

Syncrasy leverages Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) to provide our customers with full control over their virtual networking environment, including resource placement, connectivity, and security.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) instances can be independently added to VPCs, with multiple VPCs and subnets within Regions if required, and the use both IPv4 and IPv6 for most resources in your VPC, helping to ensure secure and easy access to resources and applications.

VPC network configurations can be customized to create a public-facing subnets for web servers that have access to the internet, and to place backend systems, such as databases and application servers, in a private-facing subnet with no internet access.

Multiple layers of security are available, including security groups and network access control lists to help control access to Amazon EC2 instances in each subnet.

As new data requirements surface, solution providers need storage solutions that can quickly and affordably adapt. Syncrasy’s Cloud Object Storage underpinned by Amazon S3.

S3 is an object storage service offering high availability, scalability, and security. Used for storing and retrieving any amount of data at any time, S3 stores application data, backups, and logs. It serves as a storage backend for data generated by applications running on EC2, EKS, and other services.

Amazon S3 is the industry-leading solution for scalability, data availability, security, and performance, storing and protecting any amount of data for a range of use cases, such as data lakes, websites, cloud-native applications, backups, archive, machine learning, and analytics.

Running in On-Prem, Amazon Cloud, Hybrid Cloud and Multi-cloud environments, Syncrasy solutions are fully optimized for all infrastructures, significantly reducing deployment costs and maximizing the flexibility to start with a minimum investment and expand as you build progressive value.

Deployments can run anywhere, eradicating the complexities of migrating between different cloud providers, and everywhere, ensuring that sensitive data can be held on-premises whilst anonymized and less sensitive data can take advantage of flexible cloud infrastructures.

Amazon CloudWatch

To overcome the difficulties of managing multiple environments, Syncrasy leverages Amazon CloudWatch, a service that observes and monitor resources and applications on AWS, on premises, and on other clouds, responds to performance changes, optimizes resource use, and provides insights into operational health.

By collecting data across AWS and other resources, the CloudWatch service gives visibility into system-wide performance and allows users to set alarms, automatically react to changes, and gain a unified view of operational health.

Quickly, easily and reliably collecting, moving and exporting massive amounts of structured and unstructured data into and out of the Syncrasy Framework components.

Simplifies connections to:

  • Enterprise Applications.
  • Relational Databases, NoSQL Databases.
  • Enterprise Data Warehouses.
  • Transactional Text, CSV, Excel Data.
  • Social Media Text, Audio, Video.
  • Image, Geospatial and Video Motion Data.
  • Machine Sensor and IoT Device Data.

Syncrasy provides the ability to curate, transform, enrich, store and analyze data in real-time, on-premises or in the cloud. and build parallel data pipelines using multiple pre-engineered technologies to fit the use case.

Equally well designed for small scale data sources that make up the Internet of Things as well as large scale enterprise integration, Syncrasy’s data flow technologies allow our solution development teams to respond quickly and easily to new information requirements and build digital business disruptors.

Where source data field contents are known to contain Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and other sensitive data, the data management functions can be used to hide or quarantine PII and other sensitive data at the point of data ingestion.

Syncrasy’s multitenant / multilingual database architecture, built on top of PostgreSQL, provides a cost-effective, scalable, and secure solution for modern web and cloud applications needing to serve a diverse set of tenants and users.

Providing robustness, data integrity, and reliability, Syncrasy’s database architecture incorporates a wide array of advanced features including:

  • Internationalization and localization features including a multilingual data storage.
  • Data isolation for tenants, ensuring security, privacy, and reducing the risk of data leakage between tenants.
  • Scalability. As the number of tenants grows, the database can be scaled up or scaled out, crucial for applications expecting growth in the user base or data volume.
  • Customizability per Tenant. Different schemas or configurations can be used to cater to the unique needs or preferences of each tenant, without affecting others.
  • Easy Maintenance and Upgrades. System Administrators only need to update a single system, rather than managing updates for multiple databases for each tenant.
  • Cost-Efficiency: By using a single database instance to serve multiple tenants, the cost of infrastructure and maintenance is significantly reduced.

Syncrasy’s multitenant / multilingual database architecture powers the creation global partner ecosystems that help to lower costs, reduced business risks and generate new marketing opportunities.

Syncrasy solutions deliver highly scalable and user friendly, self-service Multidimensional Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and Full Text Search capabilities.

For dynamic real-time data update requirements, OLAP cubes are built on the fly and stored in memory, providing sub-second response times at volume and automatically reflect the current state of the underlying data.

Full Text Search capabilities include:

  • Easy content discovery with lightning-fast responses.
  • Smart matching and relevant results.
  • Rich document parsing and geospatial search.
  • Faceted search and filtering.
  • Advanced text analysis & language detection.

As the benefits of Edge IoT materialize, including real-time data processing, reduced latency, improved reliability, reduced data transit costs, enhanced data security and privacy, so do the benefits of Edge AI (Artificial Intelligence).

AI systems are designed to simulate human intelligence by mimicking cognitive functions such as learning, problem-solving, perception, and understanding natural language.

By moving AI to the Edge, IoT is transformed from a simple data collection network into a distributed system of intelligent devices capable of sophisticated local data processing and autonomous operation, including:

  • Real-time facial and object recognition.
  • Enhanced predictive maintenance.
  • Real-time alerts for abnormal readings.
  • Localized behavior analysis.
  • Autonomous navigation, obstacle avoidance, and decision-making without latency.
  • Energy usage optimization.
  • Real-time tracking with predictive outcomes.

Syncrasy solutions provides the capability to both:

  • Seamlessly integrate enterprise data into 3rd party visualization and analysis tools.
  • Build customizable and shareable dashboards and reports that address use case requirement needing an intuitive and collaborative way to view and analyse solution information.

These capabilities empower solution users to access, understand, and analyse data independently, without the constant need for IT or data teams' involvement and are critical for solutions that aim to be agile and data-driven in the fast-paced environment of today.

With Syncrasy's Pluggable Application Applets, solution providers can integrate Contactless, Handsfree and MIFARE applications within their devices, broadening functionality and widening the addressable market to include 750+ Cities that already use MIFARE applications such as contactless transit, micropayments, and access experiences for citizens.

Syncrasy’s device deployed MIFARE Applet, supported Syncrasy’s payments grade edge to cloud security opens the door to more than 40 different applications covering:

  • Transportation.
  • Access.
  • Loyalty.
  • Micropayments.
  • Electronic Identity.
  • Smart Media/Consumer Interaction.
  • Gaming.

Event-driven Power Management is crucial for extending IoT device battery lives and is often deployed in remote or inaccessible locations where changing or recharging batteries can be challenging.

By optimizing power consumption and activating device functions only when necessary, event-driven power management helps ensure that IoT devices operate efficiently and maximize their battery life.

Key event-driven power management options for IoT devices include:

  • Low-Power Modes.
  • Wake-On-Event Mechanisms.
  • Interrupt-Based Processing.
  • Scheduled Reporting.
  • Adaptive Sampling Rates.
  • Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS).
  • Firmware and Software Optimization.
  • Energy-Harvesting Solutions.
  • Battery Optimized Charging Cycles.

By implementing event-driven power management strategies, solution deployments can strike a balance between responsiveness and power efficiency.

Depending on solution requirements and budget constraints, Syncrasy provides a range of security deployment options including:

  • Device Authentication: Use of strong, unique credentials for each device to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Data Encryption: Encryption of data both in transit and at rest to protect sensitive information from being intercepted or accessed by unauthorized parties.
  • Network Security: Secure networks with firewalls.
  • Embedding of tamper-resistant hardware circuits (secure elements) in IoT devices, widely recognized as the strongest approach to creating a root of trust and safely store credentials. Each secure element acts as a vault and performs essential tasks, including cryptographic processing, generation of truly random numbers, and secure storage of authentication and attestation keys providing advanced security mechanisms that safeguard credential provisioning, device onboarding, and cloud connectivity.

Situation and Context Awareness integrates location-based data, real-time situational information, and contextual factors generated by add-in sensors to provide relevant insights and personalized responses.

Situational awareness focuses on understanding the immediate situation, while context awareness involves a broader understanding of the environment, including factors that may impact or provide additional insights into the situation. Both concepts are vital for making well-informed decisions and providing tailored services in various domains, including technology, safety, and human interactions.

Applications include collision avoidance in mines, construction sites & hospitals, first responder safety, personalized advertising and hospitality services.

Spatial Awareness & Precise Localization involves more advanced technologies and sensor fusion algorithms to achieve accurate and absolute positioning of objects in three-dimensional space. This approach is employed in applications where centimetre-level precision and accuracy are essential, such as robotics, precision agriculture, and “findmy” services.

Depending on the use case, devices may be equipped with a variety of technologies, including:

  • GPS (Global Positioning System).
  • Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) that track movement and changes in orientation.
  • Cameras: Visual data from cameras can be used for object recognition, feature extraction, and environmental mapping.
  • LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) enabling the creation of detailed 3D maps of an environment.
  • Ultrasonic sensors for obstacle detection.

Nearby Device Experiences provide interactions and functionalities that become possible when devices or applications can detect and communicate with nearby devices or objects.

Examples of nearby device experiences include:

  • File Sharing and Content Transfer.
  • Device Pairing and Setup.
  • Printing and Scanning.
  • Wireless Audio Sharing.
  • Proximity-Based Authentication.
  • Gaming and Entertainment.
  • IoT Device Control.
  • Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Services.
  • Collaborative Work and Productivity.
  • Health and Fitness Tracking.

Overall, nearby device experiences enhance convenience, efficiency, and interactivity in various aspects of daily life, making it easier for devices and users to seamlessly interact with their surroundings and with each other.

Nearby Positioning Services provide the relative position of devices or objects in close proximity to each other, suitable for indoor positioning, asset tracking, and location-based marketing applications.

Nearby Positioning Services provide a more generalized approach to location and is suitable for applications where high precision is not critical, and approximate relative positions are sufficient.

Combining multiple technologies for increased accuracy and robustness, Nearby Positioning Services have a wide range of applications from enhancing user experiences in retail environments to improving safety and efficiency in mining & industrial settings. They can also be integrated with GPS for seamless outdoor-to-indoor navigation transitions.

GUDIs are unique identifiers assigned to digital entities, typically associated with digital objects, data, or records, to ensure their distinct identification in a global context. GUDIs are used to avoid naming conflicts, facilitate data management, and enable efficient retrieval and tracking of digital assets across various systems, networks, and databases.

Key aspects of GUDIs include:

  • Uniqueness, with no two digital entities sharing the same identifier.
  • Structured Format to enhance their readability and manageability.
  • Interoperability between different systems and databases.
  • Metadata and Attributes that provide additional information about the digital entity.

GUDI’s also have a wide application range including:

  • Digital Rights Management.
  • Version Control.
  • Data Tracking and Audit Trails.
  • Security as part of access control systems.

Syncrasy provides integrated environmental sensor technology to economically deliver location-based air quality monitoring & reporting.

Sensors detect PM2.5 particulate matter concentrations, IAQ index constituents, barometric pressure, humidity and temperature.

Augmented by AI software, this technology is also trainable to detect Volatile Organic Compounds, Volatile Sulfur Compounds and other use case specific gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen, opening the door to wider use case deployments including:

  • “Sick building” avoidance.
  • Supply chain spoiled food detection.
  • Gas & toxic chemical leakage detection.
  • Early wild-fire detection.
  • First responder protection.
  • Hazardous environment reporting.

Syncrasy’s air quality monitoring technologies are Tiny, Noiseless, Fanless, Maintenance-free, Cloud Connected, and can be Solar Powered.

Pluggable Sensor Architecture accommodates external sensor add-ins for most use cases, with no or minimal modifications required to manage the different data types and volumes, cost-effectively broadening device functionality and marketability.

  • Acoustic, sound, vibration.
  • Chemical.
  • Electric, magnetic, radio.
  • Environment, weather, moisture, humidity.
  • Flow, fluid velocity.
  • Position, angle, distance, speed, acceleration.
  • Optical, light, imaging.
  • Pressure.
  • Gases.
  • Force, density, level.
  • Thermal, heat, temperature.
  • Proximity, presence and more.

Connect ANY external sensor communicating via UWB, BLE, or NFC and inherit MultiSense Chip to Cloud enhanced security.

Big data and Internet of Things (IoT) have made it possible for governments and local authorities to develop and roll out Smart City systems related to transport, lighting, water distribution, crime prevention, traffic control and more; improving the quality of life experienced by residents, enhancing economic development and improving the utilization of natural resources.

Following creation of multi-pronged smart city management strategy to roll out IoT devices and large scale data collection, storage and analysis programs, successful deployments start with the establishment of an extensible modern data architecture capable of scaling to meet the diverse data processing needs of all Smart City initiatives.

Building isolated data processing and storage capabilities for each initiative separately would not be financially smart and would limit the capability to cross correlate service and consumer data, hindering the ability of governments and local authorities to best serve their city.

Syncrasy’s City-Ready, pre-engineered data platform reduces the cost, simplifies the deployment of and speeds the delivery of Smart City initiatives, letting governments and local authorities focus on rolling out smart services.

Healthcare providers fully understand the transformative benefits of connected healthcare solutions - improved treatment outcomes and disease management, reduced levels of error, decreased costs, better patient engagement and outpatient care management, as well as increased health awareness since the launch of healthcare apps and wearable devices.

What healthcare providers struggle with is how to affordably implement an extensible modern data architecture capable of scaling to meet the diverse data processing needs of their healthcare initiatives.

Building isolated data processing and storage capabilities for each initiative separately is not financially viable and would limit the capability to cross correlate healthcare data.

Syncrasy’s pre-engineered data platform reduces the cost, simplifies the deployment of and speeds the delivery of healthcare initiatives, letting healthcare providers focus on rolling out connected healthcare solutions.

In an increasingly customer-centric world, creating memorable shopping experiences is a top priority for retail outlets.

The ability to capture and use geolocation data and customer insights gained from internal purchasing records, online and social media activity are all impacting on how retail outlets create in-store shopping experiences from personalized offers via smart phones to tailored in-shop electronic advertisements as shoppers move through the store.

Syncrasy’s Data Discovery Platform provides the data architecture and data processing capabilities to affordably consolidate and correlate vast amounts of customer historic data, geolocation data, social media and website interactions to unlock the patterns that help identify customer needs, learn from their behaviors, deliver personalized interactions and maximize cross-selling and up-selling activities through loyalty systems, mobile application offers and smart IoT in-store advertising.

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is growing rapidly, accounting for the largest share of global IoT spend with over 50% of global manufacturers using analytics data, tracked using connected devices, to analyze processes and identify industrial optimization possibilities. 

The use of IoT sensors in manufacturing enables a multitude of business benefits from monitoring of production lines, enabling condition-based maintenance alerts, improving Inventory management to providing access to real-time supply chain information by tracking materials, equipment and products as they move through the supply chain.

Syncrasy’s Data Discovery Platform provides the foundation and solution building applications needed to process, analyze, predict and automate from the vast amount of IIoT data generated by modern manufacturing enterprises.

The capability to track raw or finished materials and associated features such as count, type and geographic location through the entire logistics process using IoT technology has significant benefits for inventory management, sourcing strategies and logistics costs.

Merged with standardized, sorted and visible data from trading partners, ships, trucks, factories, stores, ports and weather bureaus enterprises can gain predictive insights, optimize decisions and build process automation.

To succeed, Enterprises need to put in place a central nervous system connecting all of the historic and real-time IoT data and layer analytics and machine learning capabilities. Syncrasy’s Data Discovery Platform provides the foundation and solution building applications needed to process, analyze, predict and automate from the vast amount of IoT data generated by modern logistics processes.

Smart monitoring, collection and analysis of data for soil moisture, air temperature, air humidity and sunlight intensity, water usage, yield, geolocation tracking of livestock and farming equipment all proven to increase production, conserve water, lower operational costs, increase quality and yields.

Syncrasy’s Data Discovery Platform enhances the benefits that IoT brings to agriculture by providing an affordable data platform and data processing capabilities to collect, store, analyze and integrate IoT data with external data sources such as weather and shared crop data from other locations or equipment manufacturers, then leverage advanced analytics and machine learning to improve farming techniques and take data driven decisions.

Smart cloud-connected IoT boxes installed on vehicles provide insights and real-time information by communicating with a set of smart sensors installed on different vehicle parts including doors, windows, engine and tires, and constantly monitor and report the status of the vehicle.

As vehicles of all kinds become smarter and more connected, insights derived from collected data is being used to build a whole ecosystem of automotive based products and services including driver digital assistants, usage-based insurance schemes like Pay-How-You-Drive, maintenance management systems, geolocations apps for navigation and congestion avoidance, and many more innovations in the pipeline.

Syncrasy’s Data Discovery Platform powers this data-driven innovation with affordable COTs based computing and storage infrastructure and agile application plug-ability to meet today’s and tomorrow’s data challenges.

The engine you need to have under the hood of your automotive IoT specific application.

More than 400 Billion connected IoT devices by 2035

Drive innovative opportunities with Syncrasy.

The graph shows a hypothetical continued growth trend for the number of Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices based on the data and predictions available up to 2030. Please note that the actual number of IoT devices in the future may vary due to numerous factors that could influence technology adoption and development.

The real challenge is to find the right platform that can perform at the IoT scale to help you accelerate your pace of innovation. Syncrasy has the unique ability to adjust to your problem by implementing the pre-engineered optimum technologies in a faster, cheaper, better, and future proof way.

Syncrasy in IoT

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Amplify your work with a powerful data discovery platform.


Syncrasy’s Digital
Acceleration Services

Underpinned by our Acceleration Framework, 360-degree digital skills and 20 years of successful innovation building, we bring fresh ideas, expertise and the technologies needed to solve your digital challenges, deliver early value and set a foundation for a digital future.

  • Digital Strategy Development
  • Technology Consulting
  • Process Optimization
  • Customer Experience Enhancement
  • Digital Transformation
  • Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
  • Product and Service Innovation
  • Prototype and MVP Development


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    Syncrasy’s Transformational Technologies

    Syncrasy integrates pre-engineered hardware and software to provide the foundation and solution building applications needed to build early wins, explore opportunities and generate a “Flywheel Effect” that powers enterprise-wide digital transformation.

    Syncrasy’s Transformational Technologies

    Syncrasy integrates pre-engineered hardware and software to provide the foundation and solution building applications needed to build early wins, explore opportunities and generate a “Flywheel Effect” that powers enterprise-wide digital transformation.